Saturday, June 17, 2017

Review of Snapple Straight Up™ Tea

Let me start by saying that I received two coupons to grab free samples of Snapple tea at Target from Smiley360. I was excited to be able to try this tea, as I am such a huge fan of iced tea in general. Snapple is my favorite brand as well, so it was a win-win for me.

The samples I bought were of the Sorta Sweet Tea variety, as shown in the picture above. However, you can also get Sweet Tea and Unsweetened Tea if you so desire. Since sampling the Sorta Sweet version, I've also tried the Sweet Tea and preferred that. However, the Sorta Sweet Tea isn't bad at all.

I really liked the taste of the Sorta Sweet  Straight Up™ Tea, but I do think the Sweet version of the  Straight Up™ Tea is best. I like sugary sweet things. The Sorta Sweet Tea is tasty and fun to drink without being overwhelmingly in your face with sweetness. If you want an iced tea that won't beat you over the head with sugar, but still have some flavor to it, I'd definitely recommend going with the Sorta Sweet version. 

If you don't like your tea sugary at all, you can pick up some of the Unsweetened  Straight Up™ Tea and have a field day with it. Snapple definitely knows what appeals to iced tea drinkers, and they offer variety that makes everyone happy. 

Snapple Straight Up™ Tea is also made with all-natural ingredients and no artificial anything. Plus there are also green and rooibos tea varieties. Awesome!

Yep, that's me looking silly while I enjoy my Sorta Sweet Tea.  

And if you're interested, you can save 20% on Snapple Straight Up™ Tea at Target. Whoa! Savings ftw, am I right?

(I snapped this pic while at Target)

Overall, I'd recommend Snapple Straight Up™ Tea to fans of iced tea, or the Snapple brand in general. It's the best of the best, and there are varieties that will make everyone happy. Huzzah!


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